Social Widget


The Social Widget API is a part of Comeet’s Employee Referrals program. The widget helps you cast a wider net by leveraging your employees’ connections and friends to find better candidates. Depending on your company's policies and what you specify in the position settings, employees may be rewarded with bonuses offered for successful referrals.

When an employee shares the careers website or an open position, a unique trackable link is included. Should someone apply using it, the employee will be automatically recognized as the referrer and attributed as that candidate's source. Employees can also submit referrals online by simply providing their contact details.

Just getting started with referrals? Learn more in the guide to Comeet’s Employee Referrals (sign in to Comeet to view this article).


  1. The API should be enabled for your company. Refer to Company Settings in Comeet for instructions.
  2. You should have your company’s uid and token, also found in Company Settings in Comeet.
  3. Comeet’s API should be embedded in the <HEAD> of your web page. For more information, read here.


Track referrals from LinkedIn posts

Comeet tracks referrals made by employees in the company by using a trackable link. This link includes the coref parameter which identifies the employee who posted the position on social media.
When sharing the trackable link on LinkedIn, LinkedIn reads the page and looks for the canonical link and the OG:URL element in the <head> of the page. If these elements are included in the page but the specified URL does not include the coref parameter then referral tracking will not work. To overcome this behavior, you can either omit the canonical link and OG:URL elements from your page, or render the canonical link and OG:URL element on the server side and include the coref parameter that was specified in the request. For example:
<link rel="canonical" href="" />
<meta property="og:url" content=""/>

If you use the Comeet WordPress plugin then this logic is already handled by the plugin (starting from version


Embed the social widget by adding this code where you want the widget to appear. Place your configuration parameters as shown with the “data-” prefix.


This widget can work with or without the position’s uid.

<script type="comeet-social" data-position-uid="POSITION UID GOES HERE"></script>

Configuration Parameters

The following parameters are available in both the section and in the form injection code. NOTE: The parameters in the injection code can override those in the section.



Button and link colors should be dark enough to permit readability. If you choose a light color you may see it rendered as a darker color than the given one.


tokenCompany tokenrequired
company-uidCompany UIDrequired
position-uidPosition UIDoptional


social-pinterestShow the Pinterest button? Defaults to true.optional
social-whatsappShow the WhatsApp button? Defaults to false.optional
social-employeesEnable support for employees? Defaults to true.optional
social-show-titleShow a title? Defaults to true.optional
social-share-urlOverride the URL to share. Defaults to the page URL.optional


css-urlURL to a custom CSS file for customizing the widgets. Learn moreoptional
css-cacheWhen developing your CSS, you may want to set this value to false to prevent the widget from using the cached CSS. Default is true.optional
social-colorWhich colors to use?
“white” (default) – White background, native social network color on hover
“native” – Native social network color.
colorLeading color for buttons and links. Default is 278fe6.optional
background-colorBackground color for the form. Default is white.optional
button-colorColor for the button.optional
font-sizeFont-size to use. Default is 13px.optional

What it looks like


“color”: “ca2027”


“social-show-title”: “false”


“social-color”: “native”


“social-show-title”: “false”
“social-employees”: “false”
“social-color”: “native”


“social-color”: “native”
“social-networks”: “basic”