
Recruit allows you to embed several types of widgets:

  • Application Form – applicants can use Recruit's rich functionality to apply for positions on your website.
  • Social – leverage employee referral programs by allowing company employees to easily share positions on social media and automatically track their referrals.
  • Careers Website – quickly embed the complete careers website functionality into your website.

To support any of these widgets, start by adding the following code to the <head> section of your page. Place your configuration parameters in the configuration object and add additional parameters as needed. See the full list of supported parameters below.


Allowlist your domains

Define the domains on which the widgets can be embedded to prevent any improper use. To do so, open the Careers website settings (requires an Admin or Owner role) and add the domains on which the widgets are allowed to be embedded in the field Integrated website domains.


Track candidates sources

To support tracking of candidate sources add this code to the <head> section of all of the pages of your careers website. Learn more about how Recruit tracks candidates sources here.

<!-- Recruit Careers API -->
   window.comeetInit = function() {
         "token":       "-- your token --",
         "company-uid": "-- your company uid ---",
         "company-name":"-- your company name ---",
         "candidate-source-storage": false,
         "color":       "278fe6", //optional
         "font-size":   "13px" //optional
         //add more parameters here
   (function(d, s, id) {var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) {return; } js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id;
   js.src = "//www.comeet.co/careers-api/api.js"; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); }(document, 'script', 'comeet-jsapi'));
<!-- Comeet source attribution -->
<script>(function(){var a=function(){window.COMEET.set("candidate-source-storage",!0)};window.COMEET?a():window.comeetUpdate=a})();</script>

The following parameters can be added to the configuration. NOTE: parameters added directly to widgets can override those in the section of your page.


tokenCompany tokenrequired
company-uidCompany UIDrequired
company-nameCompany namerequired for the Careers Website Widget
candidate-source-storageUse false as shown in the example above. This parameter is used by Recruit's widgets to allow support for a cookie consent managerrequired for supporting a cookie consent manager
position-uidPosition UIDrequired
thankyou-urlAfter applying, the applicants will be redirected to the specified url. This setting can only be set up during initializationoptional
languageLocalize the experience for candidates and employees. The following languages are supported:
en - English (default)
fr - French
de - German
es - Spanish
ru - Russian
betaUse this during development to test the upcoming version of the widgets before it is made the main version. When set to true the widgets will be rendered using the Beta version. Make sure to not include this parameter in a production environment.optional


css-urlURL to a custom CSS file for customizing the widgets. Learn moreoptional
css-cacheWhen developing your CSS, you may want to set this value to false to prevent the widget from using the cached CSS. Default is trueoptional
colorLeading color for buttons and links. Default is 278fe6optional
background-colorBackground color for the form. Default is whiteoptional
button-colorColor for the button. Defaults to the value of color aboveoptional
font-sizeFont-size used. Default is 13pxoptional
button-font-sizeFont size of buttons if you want it different from the text. Defaults to the value of font-size aboveoptional



Button and link colors should be dark enough to permit readability. If you choose a light color you may see it rendered as a darker color than the given one.