Application Form Widget

To provide candidates with access to Recruit’s rich functionality when applying for positions on your website, you can embed our form directly into the page. Please follow these steps:

  1. Make sure you have Recruit’s API embedded in the of your page. If you haven’t done so already, get it here .

  2. To inject the application form, add this code where you want the form to appear. Place your configuration parameters as shown with the “data-” prefix.

<script type="comeet-applyform" data-position-uid="position_uid"></script>


NOTE: The application form widget must be embedded on the main page and not within an iframe.

Configuration Parameters

The following parameters are available in both the section and in the form injection code. Note: The parameters in the injection code can override those in the section.



Button and link colors should be dark enough to permit readability. If you choose a light color you may see it rendered as a darker color than the given one.


tokenCompany tokenrequired
company-uidCompany UIDrequired
position-uidPosition UIDrequired
position-urlSpecifies the job position page URL, disabling Recruit auto-detect URL functionality.optional
thankyou-urlAfter applying, the applicants will be redirected to the specified URL. This setting can only be set up during initializationoptional
apply-as-employeeWhen enabled, employees are given the option to “Apply as an employee.” Source will be noted as “Employees” and source type as “Internal Mobility.” Defaults to trueoptional


field-email-requiredRequire email address? Defaults to true for candidates and false for referrals,optional
field-phone-requiredRequire phone? Defaults to true for candidates and false for referrals.optional
field-resumeShow the option to attach resume? Defaults to true.optional
field-linkedinEnable LinkedIn? Defaults to true.optional
require-profileWhich profile is required? Defaults to "resume”, also accepts “linkedin”, “resume-linkedin” (require both), “any” (either resume or LinkedIn), “none” (both are optional).optional
field-websiteShow website field? Defaults to false.optional
field-website-requiredRequire website? Defaults to false.optional
field-coverletterShow cover letter field? Defaults to true.optional
field-coverletter-requiredRequire cover letter? Defaults to false.optional
field-portfolioShow portfolio field? Defaults to true.optional
field-portfolio-requiredRequire portfolio? Defaults to false.optional
field-personalnoteShow personal note field? Defaults to true.optional
field-personalnote-requiredRequire personal note? Defaults to false.optional


css-urlURL to a custom CSS file for customizing the widgets. Learn moreoptional
css-cacheWhen developing your CSS, you may want to set this value to false to prevent the widget from using the cached CSS. Default is true.optional
colorLeading color for buttons and links. Default is 278fe6.optional
background-colorBackground color for the form. Default is white.optional
button-colorColor for the button.optional
button-textText to display on the submit button. Default is “Submit Application”.optional
font-sizeFont-size to use. Default is 13px.optional
button-font-sizeFont-size for buttons if you wish to set it to a different size than the text. Default is font-size value above.optional
labels-positionWhere to place the labels? Defaults to “responsive”, also accepts “left”, ”top”.optional

Alternative Options

There are other alternatives you can provide to candidates so they can apply for jobs.

Position email address

Each position has a dedicated email address. Candidates can send resumes to this email to apply for that position.

A simple link example:

<a href="mailto:email_name?subject=Apply to job">Apply</a>

Position page

Each position has it’s own web page on the company’s careers website. The page displays information about the position and includes an application form. Using the form, candidates can apply with their LinkedIn profile or upload a resume and cover letter..

The url for the position page is noted as careers_page_url in the position details.


Known limitation of the Facebook app for iPhone/iPad

Due to this app's limited functionality, it is not possible to attach a resume and other files. Applicants visiting the position page using this app will have the option of using a LinkedIn profile to apply, submitting their resume by email or visiting the position page in a web browser.