Error Responses

If you make an invalid request, you will receive a detailed error response with one of the following error codes.

  "status": 409,
  "error": "candidate_post_conflict",
  "message": "Candidate with provided partner_candidate_id already exists in position with status in progress",
  "candidate_uid": 5555
ErrorStatus codeMessage
required_field400You must include this required field: "[field name]"
string_size_limit400The provided value for "[property name]" exceeds the limit of [X] characters: "[value]"
invalid_email400The provided email address is invalid: "[email]"
invalid_linkedin_url400The provided LinkedIn URL is invalid: "[linkedin_url]"
invalid_url400The provided URL is invalid: "[url]"
source_contact_conflict400The provided email address of the source contact already exists and belongs to another source: "[source contact email address]"
incorrect_country_code400The provided country code does not conform to ISO 3166: "[country code]"
invalid_custom_candidate_field400The provided custom candidate field "[custom candidate field name]" does not exist
invalid_datetime400The provided time format is invalid: "[provided datetime string]"
duplicate_candidate401You are trying to access a candidate that was removed since it was a duplicate of another candidate
file_size_limit403The provided file exceeds size limit of [X]MB: "[file name]"
malicious_file403The provided file cannot be accepted due to the company's security policy: "[file name]"
no_permission403You do not have permission to perform this action
position_not_found404The provided position id was not found at the specified account
not_found404The provided ID could not be found
candidate_post_conflict409You are trying to create a candidate with partner_candidate_id that already exists in the same position with status In progress
too_many_requests429You have reached your allowed limit of 100 requests per 60 seconds